Do You Know what Does The Different Colours Of Milestones Means?

Yellow, green, black and orange milestones

While travelling everyone must have noticed this milestones of different colours along the roadside. But did you ever think what does this milestones means? Or why milestones are kept along roadside?.. Or why do milestones are of different colours?...... Of course, it is not to provide different shades or make the milestones look beautiful.   
 Milestones are a kind of stone that tells us how far our destination is from a certain point. There are no same milestones on all the roads in India:The different colours used for the milestones are actually colour codes. These colour codes shows the kind of road and highway you are travelling on.The colour code varies for highways like the National Highway, the State Highway, the streets of the district and the village roads.

Different colours of milestones

In Indian there are four colors of milestones :

  1. Yellow colour milestone
  2. Green colour milestone 
  3. Black, Blue and white colour milestone
  4. Orange colour milestone

  • Yellow colour milestone

Yellow milestone

While traveling, you might have seen yellow and white colored milestones. This means that you are travelling on National Highway 

  • Green colour milestone

Green milestone

While Travelling if you come across a white milestone with green stripe , it Means that you are travelling on the State Highway

  • Black or Blue and white colour milestone

Black, blue and white milestone

While Travelling If you spot Black, Blue or white colour milestone it Means that you are travelling in city or district.

  • Orange colour milestone

Orange milestone

Orange milestones are seen along the side of village Road. This milestones are found on village road which comes under "Pradan Mantri Gram Sadk Yojna"

Now while travelling you can easily understand what this colour tells you 

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