#Gigantic wooden carved lion

Giant lion carved from single redwood tree trunk 

Wooden carved loin

It took around 20 people and more than 3 years to complete this Gigantic incredible sculpture. The loin is carved out of single redwood tree trunk and the sculpture measuring in 47.5 feet long, 16.5 feet high, and 13 feet wide and according to Guinness world records the giant loin sculpture is the world's largest sculpture carved from single tree trunk 

This sculpture which was assisted by a popular Chinese architect named Dengding Rui Yao with the help of more than 20 people working on this lion for more than 3 years and after completion this Gigantic sculpture is titled as "ORIENTAL LION"

Wooden carved giant lion

Wooden carved loin sculpture

At present "THE ORIENTAL LION" is proudly standing at Fortune Plaza Times Square in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province. Before it travels to China in December 2015 artist worked on this Gigantic structure in Myanmar

Incredible wooden carved loin

Lions play a significant role in traditional Chinese culture. When Buddhism spread from India to China, so did many of its symbols, including the lion. Seen as protectors, lion statues became a common installation at the gates of imperial palaces, including the legendary Forbidden City in Beijing. Today, they can even be found outside of hotels and restaurants, just in case any evil spirits drifted from the Han dynasty into modern times

Giant lion carved from redwood tree trunk

Wooden carved sculptures

Giant loin carved from redwood tree

# Huge Sized Octopus Carved From Fallen Redwood Tree Trunk 

Giant octopus

       The wonderful marvelous giant octopus sculpture is creation of An American chainsaw artist "JEFFREY MICHAEL". He had transformed the fallen redwood tree  into this magnificent giant octopus using a chainsaw. It took more than four year to complete this incredible sea creature

The creative, fine, perfect carving made by"JEFFREY MICHAEL" are seen through the images given-how a death redwood tree is transformed into worderful artpiece

Giant octopus carved from single redwood tree trunk

Some more images for overview of the sculpture :

Jeffrey working on his carvings

And here comes with a beautiful art of wonder - A maleficent Gigantic Octopus with fine and perfectly carved artistic work 

Giant octopus by Jeffrey Michael

# World's Longest Wooden Sculpture By Zheng Chunhui

Zheng Chunhui wooden carvings

Sculptor "Zheng Chunhui" put Four years in carving the world's longest wooden sculpture. This large wooden sculpture that measures 40 ft (12.28)meter long. The sculpture carving is based on a famous painting called “Along the River During the Qingming Festival,” which is a historical holiday reserved to celebrate past ancestors that falls on the 104th day after the winter solstice.
On November 14th this sculpture is recorded in Guinness world record by declaring it world's longest Contin wooden sculpture. 

Wooden sculpture from giant tree trunk

#Giant Motorcycle By Otiss Machines 


#Dragon Throne By Matthew Crabb

- Some more wooden carvings by Matthew Carrbs


Matthew crabb

Matthew crabb

By Matthew Crabb

Dragon throne craved from wood by Matthew Crabb

Matthew crabb

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